Training and development with partnerships and sponsors such as:
•With Bees Abroad UK since 2014 to introduce and train the community in Apiary management and honey
•With the Slow Food movement to develop school farms in the community, educating children on ensuring good, clean and fair food for themselves and their neighbourhoods.
•Conducting regular training for both men and women in agroforestry projects, organic silvicultural practices and organic palm oil production.
We have had an active MOU with the University of Ibadan since 2017, collaborating with the Department of Social & Environmental Forestry, Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources, in the areas of practical undergraduate and postgraduate training and exposure to primary forest biodiversity, identification, data collection, monitoring and research.
•Training in aquaculture techniques to enhance fish production:
Building earthen ponds
Building concrete ponds
Fish pond maintenance
Fish rearing from fingerlings to adults
Fish feed manufacturing
Fish harvesting
Fish smoking
Fish marketing
•Ornithological studies in collaboration with the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, the AG Leventis Foundation and then university of Jos to monitor endangered birds and plant specific trees to attract these birds and promote community awareness.
With Mr Graham Bell, a British Woodwork engineer conducting Bamboo & Wood workshops to train local artisans in basic skills in working with Bamboo and other woods obtained from naturally fallen forest trees to supplement their income.